Portable Appliance Testing

Portable Appliance Testing

In domestic rental properties, Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) is generally the combined inspection and testing of all the items fitted with a three-pin plug. 


After arriving at the property we start with a visual inspection of all the appliance, leads, plugs (both outside & inside), wiring connections and fuse ratings. Then we perform an electrical test measuring earth continuity and insulation resistance against specified pass values.


A Pass or Fail label is affixed to the appliance noting the test date and lists the appliances: risk level, type of appliance, class, recommended inspection & test frequency and test results.  Depending on the appliance, the IET risk-based guidelines has a 5-year test frequency and new items do not require to be tested.


All our staff have a high level of understanding and completed the approved training, allowing them to use test equipment and conduct the testing in a way that causes as little disruption to the ocupants as possible.  The test generally takes between 40 and 60 minutes.


Where the property is occupied a list of the landlord items should be provided, as there is no requirement for the tenants items to be tested.

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